logo of Groupflows, which you can click to visit the home page
icon you can click to open the navigation menu
the image for this activity
전투 명성 10% 보너스를 획득할 수 있는 아발 우물 버프 파티 입니다. 죽어도 잃는 버프가 아니고, 초보자 분들도 참여 가능합니다. 단, 장비 구성 방법을 숙지한 채로 참여해주세요. 출발지 : 포트스털링 포탈 시간 : 한국시간 19:00 PM 이며(오후 7시), 20분까지 대기 후 출발하도록 하겠습니다.
Created by gomble1
RSVP Categories
You can edit these when you use this activity
Icon for the "Going" RSVP category
Icon for the "Not Going" RSVP category
Not Going
Icon for the "Maybe" RSVP category
If you use this activity you can:
an icon representing editing activity details
Edit every detail of the activity
an icon representing scheduling activities
Find a meeting time for the activity
an icon representing people RSVPing to activities
Have people RSVP to the activity
an icon representing notifying attendees
Send notifications to attendees
Use This Activity
RSVP Categories
You can edit these when you use this activity
Icon for the "Going" RSVP category
Icon for the "Not Going" RSVP category
Not Going
Icon for the "Maybe" RSVP category