logo of Groupflows, which you can click to visit the home page
icon you can click to open the navigation menu
Groupflows User Guide
screenshot of the template search page
Activity Templates
screenshot of the activity page
Activity Pages
screenshot of the time coordination features
Voting for Activity Times
screenshot of the notification features
Notifications and Reminders
screenshot of the account page
screenshot of a premium feature
Premium Features
Discord Bot
screenshot of the Groupflows Discord installation page
Installing Groupflows on Discord
screenshot of the Discord server permissions management page
Groupflows Discord Permissions
screenshot of the /next command
Bot Commands
screenshot of the /generate command
Generating Activities with AI
screenshot of the /create command
Creating Activities without AI
screenshot of a Groupflows activity posted on Discord
Activity Posts in Text Channels
screenshot of the group page
Group Pages
screenshot of the potential meeting times window
Potential Meeting Times
screenshot of Discord's "Scheduled Events" feature
Discord's Scheduled Events Feature