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Activity: A party game of Among Us
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Among Us
Used 28 times
Tags:Among UsParty Game
Among Us is a video game which can be played with 4 to 15 people. Players are divided into 2 groups: “Crewmates” try to complete small tasks to win the game. Most players are crewmates. “Imposters” try to kill most of the crewmates to win. 1 to 3 players are randomly assigned to be imposters each round. The crewmates don’t know who the imposters are. The crewmates must either complete all of the tasks assigned to them or find all the imposters before the imposters kill them. People can call timed meetings to discuss who they think the imposters are and vote players out of the round. However, crewmates can be inadvertently voted out by their teammates if they guess incorrectly. Among Us is free to play on Android and iOS, or you can download it on Windows, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 Xbox One, or the Xbox Series X for $4.99.
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