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screenshot of the potential meeting times window
How to Use the List of Potential Meeting Times
NOTE: This article is about the list of meeting times people can store on a group page, NOT the feature where users can vote on times to schedule a specific activity.
People on your Discord server can suggest times they want to meet and create activities with those times. They can also upvote potential meeting times and view when others are available. You can see this list by clicking the "Meeting Times" link on your group page or by typing "/group" on your server.
When people suggest times Groupflows automatically detects their time zone as well as any overlaps with previously suggested meeting times. If one suggested time overlaps with another person's suggestion then it is counted as an upvote for the previously-submitted time slot.
If a new time partially overlaps with an old time then Groupflows will create multiple time slots. For example, if Person #1 suggests "5 to 8 pm" and Person #2 suggests "7 to 8 pm" then Groupflows will say "1 person is available from 5 to 7 pm and 2 people are available from 7 to 8 pm."
A user can also say they're free "after" a certain time, such as "after 4:30 pm." These suggestions will overlap with any time slots between the stated time and midnight that day in the user's time zone.
You can filter times by the number of people available and the specific individuals who said they could meet. They can also be filtered by minimum duration (i.e. "only show times at least 30 minutes long").
If you want to see how the list of Potential Meeting Times works you can visit this example list.
Last updated on March 25, 2023