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screenshot of the /next command
How to Use Groupflows Bot Commands
You can control the Groupflows bot by typing any of the following commands in Discord:
If you press "Enter" on your keyboard twice this command posts an overview of how Groupflows works. Alternatively, you can type "/help" and then provide one of the following two arguments:
  • You can select "Ask" and write a question about Groupflows that our AI will attempt to answer.
  • You can select "Command" and pick one of the commands in the list to see more information about that command in Discord.
This command generates an activity with Groupflows AI and lets you set a reminder for it in Discord. You can read more about how this command works here.
This command lets you create an activity from scratch (without AI) and lets you set a reminder for it in Discord. You can read more about how this command works here.
If you press "Enter" on your keyboard twice this command posts the full details for the next upcoming activity on your server in the channel where you used the command. Alternatively, you can type "/next" and then provide one of the following two arguments:
  • You can select "Number" and write the number of upcoming activities you want to see. For example, if you type "3" Groupflows will post the names and times of the next 3 activities.
  • You can select "Range" and select the time range of upcoming activities you want to see from the time range options Groupflows provides. For example, if you select "1 week" Groupflows will post the names and times of all activities happening within one week of today.
You can click on the name of any activity which is returned in the results of this command to see the full details of that activity in Groupflows.
This command posts links to the group page and the list of Potential Meeting Times for your server.
Last updated on September 15, 2024