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screenshot of the /generate command
How to Generate Activities with AI using Groupflows
You can generate group activities and events quickly using AI powered by Groupflows. Groupflows utilizes a combination of artificial intelligence and an extensive network of user-contributed activity templates to generate activities with more precision and detail than AI could provide alone.
You can also preview the AI's output and edit any part of it before publishing an activity, as illustrated in the screenshot above.
NOTE: This feature is only available to Discord users in the current version of Groupflows. It will be enabled for all users in the next upgrade, which will be released this month.
If Groupflows is installed on your Discord server you can type "/generate" in a channel on your server to make an activity with AI. The command has six fields, but only one of them is required:
This is the only required field -- it is where you tell Groupflows what kind of activity you want to generate. You can write anything you want. For example, if you type "D&D Lost Mine of Phandilever" Groupflows will make a Dungeons & Dragons page with details about the Lost Mine of Phandilever and the RSVP categories required for the game, all drawn from AI and the template network.
You can also optionally specify when you want the activity to happen in this field. Times can be written in any format after the activity, such as "video call from 5:30 - 8" or "Destiny 2 on Saturday at 16:00".
The activity time is based on your local time zone. Groupflows automatically translates this time into other people's time zones when they view your activity.
If you don't include a time then Groupflows will assume you want to let people vote on times to schedule the activity.
NOTE: The /generate command only works for one-time (non-repeating) activities. If you want to create repeating activities you should press the "Create New Activity" button on the home page or your group page instead. AI-generated repeating activities will be implemented in the future.
An optional field where you can provide a specific name for the activity so Groupflows does not generate it with AI. The other fields will still be generated by Groupflows unless you specify them too.
An optional field where you can provide a specific description for the activity so Groupflows does not generate it with AI. The other fields will still be generated by Groupflows unless you specify them too.
An optional field where you can link to the web URL of a specific image so Groupflows does not generate it with AI. Make sure the link ends in ".jpg", ".png", or ".webp" to ensure the image displays properly. The other fields will still be generated by Groupflows unless you specify them too.
An optional field where you can attach the file of a specific image so Groupflows does not generate it with AI. The other fields will still be generated by Groupflows unless you specify them too.
If you press "True" in this optional field then Groupflows won't show the activity generation process to other people in the Discord channel where you are using the /generate command. This feature is only available for Premium subscribers.
There are three more advanced ways to use the /generate command:
  • By default, Groupflows does not generate lengthy activity descriptions with AI. However, you can get it to do so by writing text like "describe the game in detail" in the Activity field. This encourages the AI to be wordy and descriptive. Groupflows may occasionally provide incorrect information in the extended description if you use this capability.
  • You can generate new activity images with AI by describing the image you want in the Activity field during the first step in the /generate command, such as "D&D game with a picture of a fire-breathing dragon". You should only do this if you need an entirely custom image, as Groupflows already defaults to high-quality images and the AI image generator produces variable results.
  • If you are a Premium subscriber you can regenerate an activity's image without regenerating the activity itself. You can do this by clicking on the "Edit" button during the "Preview your activity" step and typing a new prompt in the "Edit Image" field. Image regenerations are expensive for Groupflows to provide so Premium users are limited to 10 regenerations per hour.
After you fill in these fields Groupflows will ask if you want to set a reminder for the activity. You can use the dropdown menu which appears to select the time when you want the reminder to post.
If you want to set a custom reminder time not listed in the dropdown menu's options you should create the activity
in Groupflows
instead of using the /generate command. You should also do this if you're a Premium subscriber and you want to set more than one reminder for the activity.
Once you select a reminder option the activity will appear in the channel where you used the /generate command. You can click the activity's title to open it in Groupflows, where you can edit the activity and its reminder settings. You can also access additional features through the activity's Groupflows page.
If you want to manually create an activity without AI you should press the "Create New Activity" button on the home page or your group page. You can also use the /create command on Discord.
Last updated on September 15, 2024